

 "I Think She Mine."  "My heart say she mine.but I don't know she mine."  "She Act like she can't stand me no more."  "She come home with a boy from round gray."   "All Womens Are Not alike"  "Oh I believe it just can't prove it to the world."  "For the first time in my life I just feel right"


 I'm Going Thru lots of change right now some good some bad but is getting better. I reminisce sum points of da days but stuff happens for reason so I just leave it alone. Today was fun I'm working on Making a film for the county me and 2 others. 


 Today was okay my classes were alright. I am working on a Spanish project and I've did one the same so it won't be hard. Math is math no way around that. And now I'm ending it with my blog.


 Today was a okay day I'm Waiting for my grades to come in so I can be ok. All of my classes were ok I just worked. When I got home I slept and really did nothing else. Now I am ending my day writing this blog.


There isn't much I have to say about today it was just normal and fast.


 Today was Okay 1st period was long by extra minutes so I didn't like it really. 2nd period was easy like always I like it in there. Third period we had a guest speaker come and talk to us about the film industry my teacher thinks a can be a writer for films and or an actor I might look into that. And now Im ending my day.


 Today Was the first day before the break. I read my poem out in class I felt proud so that made me feel good.3rd period I took pictures it was real fun so That kept me in a better mood. 4th period happened then I came home I went to sleep and now I'm here. Until the next week....