
Showing posts from September, 2022


 I stayed home


 Today was a little bit of a fast day because we sat in one class the entire time.I slept most of the day but when I woke up it was nearly over so it was good. When I got home I really forgot what I did  really but now I'm ending my day with my blog.


 I stayed home to go to a appointment today.

Chill Day

 Today I got a lot of work done so I feel like I'm bringing everything up. My grades Looking somewhat decent and I'm happy about them. I got home and was Chillin with my bros and came home. Now I'm Sitting here writing my blog ending the day off.

Theme Rides

 Today was filled with ups and down. First period I had a sun so the work was much easier for me to do and complete and it all got done. Second period was fun I was a reader today so it kept me focus and wanting to work. The rest of my school day was okay Nothing special. I got home and got to spend time wit my favorite person so I had a good day.


 Today I went To the doctor so I was absent. My day was boring I just slept really.

Different Day

 My morning was nice I was a little sleepy but I made it thru first period. Second period was fine I'm starting to like to learn because of that class. My third period was nice all of my work gets turned in so I slept. I woke a a little late and made it to my next class late but it was okay I got let in. 4th period is always boring it's Spanish but we have no Spanish teachers so we are in another teachers planning period. 


 I went to school it was a calm and fast day. Third period felt like a longer period today because of all the work. My second period kept me up. And the rest of my day was just boring Hotta find new hobbies.
